
  I have a major crush on aviation. It’s my favourite part of the day when I hear a jet engine in the distance. Below you will find various sections wirh aviation articles I have written, personal experiences in the sky and on the ground as well as many many many plane spotting videos and […]

Home Page

Sydney Airport Plane Spotting My comprehensive guide to planespotting in Sydney Shep’s Mound Sydney Airport has just finished upgrading Sheps Mound to be an awesome plane spotting destination. Airline Safety Videos #7 It’s been a while but let’s look at some new airline safety videos from 2024 Roaming Overseas How does using your home network […]

Social Media

Like all good blogs these days we’re on social media.  In fact I’ve spent a considerable amount of time on all of my channels to try and expand my audience so more and more people can experience the great world of aviation.