Wings Over Illawarra 2017

An awesome airshow in the Wollongong area featuring some amazing vintage aircraft and aerobatic displays.

Antonov 225 in Perth

My dream come true, the Antonov 225 visiting Perth for the first time. Waited 7 hours for this monster plane to arrive.

April Weekend Plane Spotting

The following compilation was recorded from Marsh Street, Tempe near Sydney Airport. Videos are from 25th of April and 1st of May 2016.   2,841

Runway 07

Some videos from my Saturday Plane Spotting at Sydney Airport’s Runway 07.

Takeoff Time

Takeoff Time – a recap of my videos from Sydney Airport today with takeoffs from runway 34L

Retro Roo

By fluke chance I managed to catch a shot of QANTAS Retro Roo 2 as it was landing at Sydney.